From first listening to acquaintance myself and Obed's first initial thoughts were keeping the lead singer in focus and having the whole band playing on stage in a pub, we have interpreted the song to mean that the girl (our lead singer) has broken up with a boy not so long ago and as she is forgetting him and saying her 'farewells' she sees him with another girl..
We have decided if we were to make this our final idea we would, take the boy and the girl he is currently dating and get them first to meet, there plans are to go to a pub and have a drink, however they go into the pub, where he's ex girlfriend (lead singer is playing on stage) is currently watching over him directing all the lyrics towards her ex. We would make the audience realise that the lead singer and the boy have just broke up as at the beginning as he is waiting to meet the girl hes looking at a photo of himself and he's ex and rips the photo as the girl knocks the door, also the audience would know as we would show flashbacks, of the boy thinking about hes past and that it seems nothing compared to the date he is currently on. We then would show the boy has still not moved on because as he walks he's 'date' home she goes to kiss him but he just gives her a hug and walks off. the end image could be looking back at the photo in his house and piecing back the ripped photo.
However we would keep the lead singer to not know that he's not over her and maybe her end showing on the video would be after the song upset in the pub toilets and breaking down, and we could put and effect on the place that she is in to seem as if hr life's fading away, as she is so heart broken.
Although this would not be the exact location we would like to find a location similar to this with the band in focus spot light on the singer, and tables, chairs and a bar to film the concept behind the video.
We would like a bedroom similar to this, where its not to over the top just a standard plain bedroom, with a bed, bed side table, window, lights, but not anything fancy.
We have decided if we were to make this our final idea we would, take the boy and the girl he is currently dating and get them first to meet, there plans are to go to a pub and have a drink, however they go into the pub, where he's ex girlfriend (lead singer is playing on stage) is currently watching over him directing all the lyrics towards her ex. We would make the audience realise that the lead singer and the boy have just broke up as at the beginning as he is waiting to meet the girl hes looking at a photo of himself and he's ex and rips the photo as the girl knocks the door, also the audience would know as we would show flashbacks, of the boy thinking about hes past and that it seems nothing compared to the date he is currently on. We then would show the boy has still not moved on because as he walks he's 'date' home she goes to kiss him but he just gives her a hug and walks off. the end image could be looking back at the photo in his house and piecing back the ripped photo.
However we would keep the lead singer to not know that he's not over her and maybe her end showing on the video would be after the song upset in the pub toilets and breaking down, and we could put and effect on the place that she is in to seem as if hr life's fading away, as she is so heart broken.

We would like a bedroom similar to this, where its not to over the top just a standard plain bedroom, with a bed, bed side table, window, lights, but not anything fancy.
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